Friday, November 21, 2014

Spanish Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

 More than half of the Spanish Direct Object Pronouns  look like the Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns

As you can see here:

DO Pronouns: me  te   lo/la   nos   los/las
IO   Pronouns: me  te   le        nos   les

The DO pronouns have a male/female distinction in the third person singular and third person plural.

The IO  pronouns use the gender neutral Le and Les for the third person.

I can make you remember this without a disturbing drawing.

Because the Independent Object is so independent, it uses LESs pronouns
How cool is that?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Indirect Objects

The Indirect Object is the noun to whom the Direct Object is being given or told.

For example: I gave the pizza to the pirate. 

Pizza is the Direct object because it answers the question "Who or what did I give?"
The Pirate is the Indirect Object because it answers the question, " to whom did I give the Direct Object ( the pizza) ?"

The Indirect Object is also known as IO.
And if you look closely, IO looks like sideways pair of pirate boots and a pizza. And pirates ask questions like to whom or to what. At least the ones I personally know do!

I prove my point about pirates asking to whom and that IO looks like a pirate's boots next to a pizza with this illustration...

Indirect Object and pirate Jack Sparrow
See, pirates do ask, "to whom". The IO is in the lower right hand corner.

To find the DO,  ask  "who or what "
to find the IO,  ask "to who"  or "for what"

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Direct Objects

If you have to pass a first year Spanish class or a 7th grade English class, you will have to learn what a Direct Object is.

A Direct Object is the noun in the sentence that is getting verbed.

For example: The owl eats veggie burgers.

find the verb ( eats ) and ask, "who or what  is getting verbed ( or in this case eaten) ?
The answer  ( and the direct object ) is veggie burgers.

Sometimes a Direct Object is called a DO for short. The letters DO look like owl eyes and owls make noises that sound like "hoo hoo" which  sounds like  "who?  who?" which is what you ask yourself when you are trying to find the Direct Object. 
Direct Object
 To find the DO, ask yourself hoo or what is being verbed.