Thursday, November 3, 2016

Future Tense/ Irregular Verbs

 Here are 12 Spanish verbs that have an irregular stem in the Spanish future tense. That means the stem is weird but the ending is the same as the normal future tense verbs.
This is an easy way to remember the list. If you can count to 12 and rhyme, you're bright enough to remember which verb is irregular.


Rhymes With

Makes You Think Of…

 Reminds You of This Verb

 Changes It’s Stem To This In The Future Tense
to know a ton
To do or to make
The fee…to cost
Part of a whore’s job is to come
Jive talking, to say
If someone is being a dick everyone wants to leave
I got nothing for this one….so I just think Kevin will be there
A mate should be a good fit
To set the table
To want or like something
A Chevron is a kind of decoration that some uniforms have
Twelve noon
To be able to carry a tune


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Future Tense

The Spanish future  tense is the easiest verb tense to conjugate- Just like the future in real life. Which is to say that the future brings ease and automation. The Spanish tense is almost that simple

If you can remember the verb in its original form, you're half way there. Because all you do is add an ending to the verb in it's infinitive state.

And also like the future, the endings are predictable

hablaré ( I will speak-informal )

hablarás ( You will speak-formal ) )

hablará ( You will speak )

hablarémos ( We will speak )

hablarán ( You will speak- plural)

Each ending starts with an A except for Yo and Nosotros which begins with an E.

So I think to myself that everyone (Tú, Usted, and  Ustedes )   may be getting As but  I and us ( Yo and Nosotros ) are getting Es for excellence!

Also, take note that all the endings have an accent mark. Which, for memorization purposes looks like a solar panel. Which hopefully we will all have in the FUTURE.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hace...Que With Past Tense Verbs

Hace... que with a present tense verb says how long you have been doing something that you are still jacking with now.

Hace...que with a past tense verb says how long AGO you did something.

For example, use Hace +Time Frame + Que + Present Tense Verb to say how long you have been smoking. Hace quince años que fumo. ( It  has been 15 years that I have been smoking).

When you quit smoking, and you want to say how long AGO  you quit, use the same formula above but use a past tense verb.

Hace + Time Frame+ Que + Past Tense Verb = AGO

 Hace dos minutos que dejé de fumar. ( I quit smoking two minutes ago)

The convoluted way I remember that hace...que with a past tense verb means ago goes something like this:

Ago sounds a lot like Ago-go - as in Go-Go boots. Go-Go boots are a fashion from the past. I picture the hace...que formula but this time the Verb part of it is wearing said boots from the past. This indicates that the statement is referring to how long AGO something happened.

To jolt my memory, this is what I see in my mind's eye or scribbled on a discrete portion of my forearm.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Talking About Time Using Hace...Que/ present tense verbs

If you want to say how long it as has been that you ( or anyone else) have/ has been doing something, here  is the  four-part formula:

Hace + Length of time  that it HAS BEEN since the action of time has been going on + Que + The Verb (in present tense)

or if you want to shrink this down so it can fit in your head or on the palm of your hand...

Hace 10 años que como una dieta vegetariana.
Hace 10 años que  hago ejercicio cada dia.
Hace 10 años que soy sin amigos.

It has been 10 years that I have been eating a vegetarian diet.

It has been 10 years that I have been exercising every day.

It has been 10 years that I have been without friends.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Past Participle Irregulars

Imagine two friends talking in their own shorthand about some poor bastard's inappropriate behavior, 
When they mean to say, " Him?? Definitely a pervert!" they might say "Him?? Def a prrv!" Which is a handy mnemonic for 10 common verbs that are irregular in the Past Participle

Hacer ( hecho)
Imprimir (impreso)                                  HIM
Morir (Muerto)

Decir ( dicho)
Escribir ( escrito)                                      DEF                            
Freír (frito)

Abrir (abierto)                                            A

Poner ( puesto)
Romper ( roto)
Resolver (resuelto)                                  PRRV
Volver ( Vuelto)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Spanish Past Participle

A past participle is a verb that is used as an adjective.


Take the verb To Fuck.  If you were to say I'm Fucked, you have used a  verb (to fuck)  that has been reassigned as an adjective. In other words, it is a past participle

Many past participles in English are formed by adding ed at the of the verb.

The Spanish past participle is almost as easy.

Step 1

  cut off the ar er or ir ending

Step 2
Either add ada or ida depending on what kind of verb ending it has.
(ar verbs get ada. ir and er verbs get ida)

 I've likened the forming of the  Past participle  to a gender reassignment surgery so that it will be harder to forget.

First step is to  cut a few particles off  the verb.


Second step  is to attach the new particles that will make it a past participle
You have to admit that the new ending looks a lot like "bells on a pole" which ties in nicely with my idea that forming the Past Participle is akin to a gender reassignment surgery.

FYI, Joder means to fuck.

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Irregular Verbs For The Tú Positive Command

There are 8 irregular verbs in the Spanish Tú positive command.
If you can remember the following mnemonic, then you can remember these 8 crazy bastards of the tú positive command.
Translated ( Sal Se Ve Haz Ten Pon... Di Ven !)
Sal (Salir)
Sé (Ser)
Ve (Ir)
Haz (Hacer)
Ten ( Tener)
Pon (Poner)
Di (Decir)
Ven (Venir)

Monday, March 28, 2016

Spanish Commands

Conjugating Spanish commands is so similar to conjugating  the Spanish subjunctive that the two verb tenses look a lot like twins and in most cases, the they are.

The family relationship between the Spanish Subjunctive and Spanish Commands breaks down like this:

The Identical  Quadruplets:
The Spanish Subjunctive
The Usted Command ( both positive and negative)
The Ustedes Command ( both positive and negative)
The Tú Command ( Negative only)

These guys all are conjugated the same way ( put in yo form. Chop off the O. Add the ER present tense ending if it is an AR verb or add the AR  present tense ending if it is an ER or IR verb)
These guys all have the same irregular verbs which are Dar, Ir, Estar, Saber, and Ser.
These guy all follow the CAR GAR ZAR spelling changes.

The Fraternal Twin
The Nosotros/as commands are just like the above with the exception of one strange quirk. The positive  command for the verb  Ir is VAMOS and the negative IR command is NO VAYAMOS.

The Family Bastard
 The Tú positive command is a bastard in two important ways. First, it has a conjugation that defies logic ( conjugate by using whatever the  present usted  form  of the verb is). Then, it has 8 crazy irregular verbs.
Spanish Subjunctive/Spanish Command Family Tree
Spanish Commands
The Bastard  of the Family
Tú commands

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Irregular Spanish Subjunctive (Verbs With CAR GAR ZAR Endings)

You may remember when studying the past tense that verbs ending in CAR GAR or ZAR had spelling changes in the YO form.
In the Spanish subjunctive, those same spelling changes happen only in ALL the verb forms.

For verbs ending in CAR like buscar, the C changes to a QU.

busque          busquemos
busque          busquen

for verbs ending in GAR like pagar, the G changes to GU.

pague          paguemos      
Pague          paguen

For verbs ending in ZAR like cruzar, the Z changes to a C

cruce           crucemos
cruce           crucen

Just like in the preterite, imagine a ZCAR in  a  CAR screaming "GARrrrr" but instead of driving through only the YO forms, he is completely out of control ( so is the subjunctive in my opinion) and he is driving through all verbs forms.

Spelling changes in the Spanish Subjunctive CAR GAR ZAR